Report Text

Pengertian Report Text

Teks report mengupas suatu hasil pengamatan, penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang, atau tempat. Participant pada report cenderung general. Data yang tersaji umunya berupa simpulan umum akan karakteristik, ciri, dan atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant. Tujuan teks report adalah untuk menggambarkan participant apa adanya. Bila yang dibicarakan suatu benda, teks report lebih menyoroti fungsi dari benda tersebut. 

Teks report lazimnya menyodorkan suatu generalisasi akan participant yang diulas, generalisasi ini umunya didapat lewat membandingkan yang satu dengan yang lain yang tergolong participant sejenis. 

Generic Structure of Report Text 

  1. General classification. Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subyek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya. 
  2. Description. Penginformasian ciri-ciri umum/generalisasi yang dimiliki subyek-misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis. perilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya. 

Unsur Kebahasaan/Language Features of Report Text 

  1. General noun, kata yang merujuk pada sesuatu secara umum, misalnya: Tigers are wild animals. (Harimau yang mana saja), Birds can fly (burung manapun). 
  2. Relational process, menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan participant, dan atau mengisyaratkan kepemilikan. Contoh: Birds have wings, An elephant is a big animal. 
  3. Simple present tense, untuk menyatakan suatu kebenaran umum atau fakta ilmiah. Contoh: A baby of the blue whale generally weighs more than 500 kilogram. 

Contoh Report Text

Green Iguanas

Green Iguanas are the most popular reptiles in the United States, despite being quite dufficult to care for properly, in captivity. 

Green, or common iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging around 6.5 feet (2 meters) long and weighing about 11 pounds (5 kilograms).

Iguana's stout build makes from appear clumsy, but they are fast and agile on land. They have strong jaws with razor-sharp teeth and sharp tails, which make up half their body length and can be used as whips to fend off predators. They can also detach their tails if caught and another will grow. 

Green Iguana's extensive range comprises the rain forests of northern Mexico, Central America, the Carribean Islands and Southern Brazil. They spend most of their lives in the canopy, descending only infrequently to mate, lay eggs, or change abode. 

Primarily herbivores, iguanas are active during the day, feeding on leaves, flowers and fruit. They generally live near water and are excellent swimmers. If threathened, they will leap from a branch, often from great heights and escape with a splash into the water below. They are also tough enough to land on solid ground from as high as 40 feet (12 meters) and survive. 

Other members of the Iguana family include the Fiji Island banded iguanas, desert iguanas and Galapagos Islands marine iguanas. Their appearance, behavior and endangered status vary from species to species. 

In fact, most captive iguanas die within the first year and many are either turned loose by their owners or given to reptile rescue groups. 

Teks di atas adalah report teks tentang "green iguanas". 

Bagian general classification terdapat pada paragraph satu,

Bagian description terdapat pada paragraph ke dua sampai paragraph terakhir. 

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Report Text dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

The following text is for questions 1 and 2. 

Sponges or Poriferas are a group of animals that includes about 10,000 living species. Adult sponges are sessile animals that attach to hard rocky surfaces, shells or submerged objects. The larvae are ciliated, free-swimmung creatures. Most sponges inhabit marine environment, but a few species live in freshwater habitats. There are three subgroups of sponges, the glass sponges, the demosponges, and the calcarious sponges. 

Sponges are primitive multicellular animals that have no disgetive system, no circulatory system and no nervous system. They do not have organs and their cells are not organised into well-defined tissues. The body of a sponge is like a sac that is perforated with lots of small openings or pores. 

Sponges are filter feeders. They draw water in through the pores located throughout their body wall into a central cavity. The central cavity is lined with collar cells which have a ring of tentacles that surround a flagellum. Movement of the flagellum creates current that keeps water flowing through the central cavity and out of a hole at the top of the sponge called the osculum. As water passes over the collar cells, food is captured by the collar cell's ring of tentacles. Once absorbed, food is digested in food vacuoles or transferred to the amoueboid cells in the middle layer of the body wall for digestion. 

1. What is the purpose of the text? 

    A. To describe a particular sponge. 

    B. To describe general facts about sponges. 

    C. To tell the readers how sponge live. 

    D. To inform the readers about sponge's habits. 

    E. To persuade the readers to save sponges. 

    Jawaban: B

    Teks tersebut mendeskripsikan bunga karang secara umum (general) yang meliputi habitat, jenis, ciri, fisik, dan cara makan. Tujuan penulisan teks tersebut untuk: menyampaikan fakta umum tentang bunga karang. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan konteks. (A) artinya: mendeskripsikan bunga karang tertentu (C) artinya: menceritakan kepada pembaca tentang cara hidup bunga karang (D) artinya: memberitahu pembaca tentang kebiasaan bunga karang dan (E) artinya: membujuk pembaca untuk menyelamatkan bunga karang. 

2. What is the main idea of paragraph two? 

    A. Sponge's groups. 

    B. Sponge's habits. 

    C. Sponge's habitat. 

    D. Sponge's way to eat. 

    E. Sponge's appearence. 

    Jawaban: E

    Paragraf dua menjelaskan tentang ciri fisik bunga karang. Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat di paragraf tersebut, "Sponges are primitive multicellular animals that have no disgetive system, no circulatory system and no nervous system. They do not have organs and their cells are not organised into well-defined tissues. The body of a sponge is like a sac that is perforated with lots of small openings or pores. "Artinya "Bunga karang adalah binatang sederhana 


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Report Text: Pengertian, Generic Structure, Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan Report Text


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